It is imperative that our community members feel comfortable with their knowledge of what to do in case there is a fire or other emergency. The first step of this training process for everyone is to review the Emergency Preparedness Presentation (Atlas Course Number: EHS 404) for an introduction to AeroAstro Emergency Preparedness and General Safety guidelines. All members of the AeroAstro Community will be required to watch this presentation prior to receiving access to general areas. If you have any questions about your training, please contact either your EHS rep or your EHS Coordinators
Required for all AeroAstro Community Members:
Emergency Preparedness Presentation
Laboratory Training Requirements
Before beginning work with any potentially hazardous materials or activities in a laboratory at MIT, all principal investigators (PI), students students, postdocs, visiting scientists, and researchers must complete the Training Needs Assessment (TNA). Upon completion of the TNA, lab members will be required to complete lab-specific training requirements determined based on research activities. Many courses are available both online and in person.
- Find your Research Group’s EHS Rep on our EHS Team page.
- Consult with your EHS Rep on training needs and lab specific hazards
- Review Training Needs Assessment (TNA) with your EHS Rep
- Find and Select your PI on ATLAS Learning Center in “My Profile”
- Select the Hazardous Activities and Requirements
- Complete all of your required training in the on in “My Profile” found under the “My Training Needs” tab.
Other resources for completing AeroAstro’s EHS requirements can be found on the AeroAstro EHS Resources & Tools page.
- Contact your laboratory’s EHS Rep for Laboratory Specific training once all other trainings have been completed.
EHS Representatives can find additional resources and training information at