Comm Lab Website Tune-Up Drop-in

33-116 Conference Room 125 Massachusetts Avenue, 33-116, Cambridge, MA, United States
Tune-up your website with the Comm Lab!

Astroscale Lunch Seminar with Ron Lopez

33-218 Conference Room 125 Massachusetts Avenue, 33-218, Cambridge, MA, United States
A special lunchtime seminar with Astroscale's Ron Lopez (President & Managing Director, Astroscale U.S. Inc.)

Blue Origin Info Session

This event is open to aa-grad, sophs, juniors, seniors, postdocs and first- years UG interested in Aerospace.

Comm Lab Resume Drop-in

33-218 Conference Room 125 Massachusetts Avenue, 33-218, Cambridge, MA, United States
Fine-tune your resume with the Comm Lab

DEI Fall Kickoff Luncheon

33-116 Conference Room 125 Massachusetts Avenue, 33-116, Cambridge, MA, United States
DEI welcome-back lunch event.

Comm Lab: Formulating a Research Statement Workshop

This workshop will detail a systematic approach you can take to defining a research topic that is important, unique, and independent while accounting for research group and funding constraints.

HBCU Partnership Program Welcome Dinner

37-252 70 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA, United States
Reception dinner to welcome student visitors from our HBCU Partnership Program (invite-only).

Comm Lab: Physicality of Presentations

33-116 Conference Room 125 Massachusetts Avenue, 33-116, Cambridge, MA, United States
You’ve got perfect research, perfect slides, and know exactly what you want to say about it. Now… how do you actually do that? Learn and practice different verbal and physical presenting skills in this workshop!

Thankful Gathering

Grier Rooms, 34-401 50 Vassar St, Cambridge
Catered dinner event for the AeroAstro community.

Aerospace Innovation Seminar ft. Sebastien Mannai SM ’14, PhD ’18

This seminar series is part of the Certificate in Aerospace Innovation offered by the MIT Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics in collaboration with the Martin Trust MIT Center for Entrepreneurship. Learn more about the certificate program on our Certificate in Aerospace Innovation website!

Comm Lab: Website Workshop

Join our hands-on workshop where you'll not only learn the essentials of website creation but also walk away with a working draft of your site!

Gas Turbine Research with MathWorks

This seminar has two main objectives. First, it aims to showcase how the collaboration with MathWorks engineers and the use of MathWorks tools has enhanced gas turbine aerothermal research at the Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge. Key areas of research to be discussed include: 1. Advanced post-processing of computational fluid dynamics data 2. Development of low-order models to understand and describe complex flow physics 3. Rapid design, manufacture, and experimental testing of aero-engine rig components

Comm Lab: Masters Thesis Workshop

The workshop will feature general writing tips and an interactive session to help you get a jump start on the thesis-writing process.